Bauxite was barged 240 km downstream from mines near Aroaima, using 20 purpose-built covered barges of 3,000 tdw each, and six tugs. The cargo was then transferred from the barges to ocean-going ships, using our floating crane, as well as the ships’ own gear.
We provided river transportation and transshipment services for between 1.0 and 3.0 mtpa. Due to restrictions in the mouth of the river, only vessels up to Ultramax size could be loaded. Bulk carriers arriving to load bauxite were assisted in the channel by our tugs and pilot boats. To maintain all our marine equipment in this remote location, we even operated our own jack-up drydock.
The efficient logistics provided by 31 floating units was both cost effective and environmentally friendly. We helped our client overcome extreme draft restrictions, in order to export the bauxite. Oldendorff Carriers also performed some of the onward transportation of the bauxite to the Ukraine, Ireland and the United States.
Equipment Used